3R Ecopoint Network

The purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of plastic leakage into the Indian Ocean in Vilanculos. This small city, located in front of Bazaruto Archipelago (Mozambique’s first declared marine protected area), has 78 km2 and 55 thousand inhabitants. Currently, the waste production is approximately 19 tons/day, being 2,7% of it plastics. During 12 months, 3R will establish. in partnership with the NGO ParCO, 2 ecopoints to receive and buy plastic waste from the local community, especially from waste pickers. The material will be sorted, processed, and sent to recyclers within and outside Mozambique.

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure11. Sustainable Cities and Communities12. Responsible Consumption and Production14. Life below Water
  • Waste pickers : In places like Vilanculos, where there is no selective waste collection, the waste pickers play a big role, salvaging reusable or recyclable materials thrown away by others to sell or for personal consumption. Although their work has a positive environmental impact for the entire community, they are still socially excluded and seen as criminals, pariahs or failures due to the usual stereotype of the poor men, almost always dirty, who wander through the city’s streets carrying sacks full of objects found in the waste containers.
  • Environment : The Vila de Vilanculos is located in front of Bazaruto Archipelago National Park, one of the largest marine protected areas in the Indian Ocean. Currently the village produces ~7.000 tons of waste per year and only has municipal dumpsite. The waste collection is still a challenge, which represents a lot of materials, specially plastic leaking to the ocean environment.
  • Local NGOs : Local associations and NGOs already promote several initiatives around plastic collection in Vilanculos, such as beach cleaning events. However, they lack final destinations to the material removed from the environment. In this project 3R establishes strong partnerships with ParCO, a local NGO focused on community development, to create new value chains for collected plastic material to ensure its recycling.

Our actions

  • Setting up an ecopoint network - secondary collection points that receive and buy recyclable waste
  • Developing and carrying out a communication campaign/open air events to encourage reduction or better management of waste
  • Setting up a Material Recovery Facility (MRF)
  • Selling and sending the processed material to recycling industries in Mozambique and abroad
Number of ecopoints opened
Target: 2
20202.00 (2 of 4 responses)
20212.00 (2 of 4 responses)
No. of events organized to communicate to general public
Target: 2
202023.00 (2 of 4 responses)
202119.00 (2 of 4 responses)
Amount of material collected/ managed (kg)
Target: 20000
202022458.00 (2 of 4 responses)
202124620.00 (2 of 4 responses)
No. of new MRF operational /opened
Target: 1
20202.00 (2 of 4 responses)
20212.00 (2 of 4 responses)

Our outcomes

  • Reduced waste volumes in local dumpsites/Increased recycled volumes
  • Increased awareness in waste management and recycling
  • Increased revenue for waste pickers and local entities (NGOs and associations)
  • Sustainable plastic waste materials value chain developed
perception of financial situation by waste pickers
Target: 80%
Total number of waste pickers
Target: 100
2020413.00 (2 of 4 responses)
202180.00 (2 of 4 responses)
kg of material recycled
Target: 20000
202024587.00 (2 of 4 responses)
202129956.00 (2 of 4 responses)
Total income generated for EME (MZN)
Target: 20000
2020260000.00 (2 of 4 responses)
2021360000.00 (2 of 4 responses)
Total income generated for citzens/waste pickers (MZN)
Target: 100000
2020311350.00 (2 of 4 responses)
2021334875.00 (2 of 4 responses)

Our impacts

  • Sustainable incomes for waste pickers created
  • Improved recognition of waste pickers role by society
  • Reduced negative impacts on the environment from plastic pollution
  • Empowerment of waste pickers
Perception of plastic pollution by our partner NGO
Target: 70%
perception of societal value of their work by waste pickers
Target: 80%
perception of quality of life by waste pickers
Target: 80%
Number of job positions created by the project
Target: 11
202011.00 (2 of 4 responses)
202111.00 (2 of 4 responses)
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